College Application Essay Writing Help


Do you need college admission essay writing help? No worries, we are at your service. Essay bot is the best platform for essay writing services online. Don’t hesitate to make your order today for any essay writing service. We offer the best college application essay writing help from our prowess team and timely delivery.

What is a College Admission Essay?

College application essays are a report you give the admissions office about your academic achievements, strengths, and other unique skills and abilities.

According to Adam Sapp, vice president at Pomona College in California, these essays give you a chance to communicate with the admissions management. Your information helps you shine and secure a chance at your dream university or college.

Let's have a detailed study of the college admission format, tips on how to write a good college admission essay, and where to get a college application essay writing service.

How to Write a College Application Essay?

There are several college application essay tips that you can apply.

  • Craft thoughts or ideas that are very important to you. You may use an experience, a book, or anything that impacted your life.
  • Describe the lessons you learned from an experience
  • Start writing your essay early and have several drafts
  • Avoid repeating statements in the essay or contradicting those you wrote earlier
  • Give answers to all questions clearly and concisely.
  • Have at least one review from a counselor to triple-check for any errors made in the essay. A counselor or even a teacher can offer great college application essay help.

If you follow these tips in this college admission essay writing help, you are guaranteed to impress the admission team. Let us know if you need our college application essay writing service.

How to Write the Best College Admission Essay?

To write the best college application essay, you must follow the tips in this college application essay writing help guide. Again, you should ensure the content you give presents you as the best candidate for admission. With that in mind, ensure you use these tips to write my college application essay.

  • Choose a prompt that will relate to your story.
  • Ensure your story has a beginning, middle, and end about you. With a hook in the opening paragraph, you can share something the reader may not know or be vulnerable to keep them curious. Later, close with a clear message that ties to the beginning.
  • Keep within the required word limit, mostly around 650 words, to prove you can follow instructions.
  • Be keen on the formatting given. For example, some colleges may ask for a google doc or word document. If required to copy-paste, double-check the formatting as the original might get lost.
  • Proofread your work. Cross-check your work for spelling and grammar errors several times. It's always best to rest a few days and then proofread with a cold eye to spot more typos and grammar issues. If possible, as a friend, give it a quick read too.

College Application Essay Format

College admission essays usually follow a standard introduction, body, and conclusion format, like a persuasive essay. The essay should have five paragraphs, one in the introduction, three in the body, and one in the conclusion. Under each section, various guidelines help with college application essays.

Additionally, the college application essays have general writing guidelines to follow, and they include;

  • Essays should have a one-inch margin, primarily a default setting in Microsoft word, but it's best to double-check this.
  • The essay title should be under the heading and easy to read.
  • Use standard fonts such as Times New Roman, Courier, and Garamond; they make your essay more presentable.
  • Use font size twelve
  • Use a double spacing or 1.5
  • Include a header with less than ten words and should be in bold. The header should include your name, professor name, the essay's title, and the submission date.
  • Double space or indent the paragraphs
  • Use the college essay application style. For instance, if the college has advised on using MLA style, ensure correct citations and references.

How to Start a College Application Essay?

If writing your college application essay, how should you phrase your introduction? Like in cause and effect essay writing, the introduction should summarize what the essay entails. The introduction should have a catchy opening statement that attracts the reader.

 For example, if you are discussing how your achievements and abilities have led to personal developments. Mention some of these achievements and their impacts on personal growth. In short, summarize your ideas or topic in a few lines.

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Finally, remember to end the introduction with a thesis statement. This statement gives the main focus of your writing and its benefits to the reader.

In case you require college application essay help, hire one of our writers to assist you.

How to End a College Application Essay?

There are various dos and don’ts that you should follow to end your college admission essay successfully. Some of the college application essay tips to follow in the end include;

  • End in action-  end your essay earlier to keep the reader wanting to know more. Make an ending that you feel is the success of our essay.

There are various techniques for making an attractive ending as follows;

  • Put it in dialogue- it's a great way to end your essay.
  • Description- create a mood or a broader view of the story, object, or things.
  • Sand-winch- talk about a scenario at the beginning, leave in the middle and later pick it at the end.
  • Address the college official directly, for example, "That's why I am excited about the college curriculum: It's a dream come true."

What Makes a Good College Application Essay?

 To ensure you create the best impression to the admission team, ensure your essay reflects on the following major points as explained in this college admission essay writing help article;

  1. Contains information about yourself- the team is interested in learning about your achievements, visions, personality, character, obstacles, and how they have shaped your life. Depending on the topic given, ensure all the information reflects you.
  2. Choose one angle of your life- the team is interested in a detailed essay specific to one area. So, pick one idea, activity, or obstacle you will discuss and relate to the topic. Avoid covering too many ideas that will make the reader end up confused.
  3. Keep the essay real – tell your story from the heart for an easy flow of thoughts. Choose an experience that you will explain in detail vividly. Use examples and descriptions to make your story most engaging.
  4. Present yourself positively – give out the information the college can use to evaluate your application and portray a good image of you. Again, if from experience you had some difficulties, always tell how you overcame them. Don't keep complaining without offering solutions.
  5. Give the information, not in the application– the essay should contain a unique message that the admission officers can't get from the application and transcripts.
  6. Leverage diversity - for instance, if you are an international student, don't try to borrow from other cultures. Let your essay stand out by being yourself and unique, not copied from other traditions or cultures.
  7. Be honest - this is very important because if the college discovers you lied in your application, you will lose the opportunity. Again, plagiarism is prohibited, and it's easy to detect.
  8. Always revise your essay – while editing your essay, ensure the grammar and spelling are correct. Again, diversify vocabularies to avoid repetition. Also, use easy-to-understand language without slang or scientific names. This guideline is critical even in comparing and contrasting essay writing help.

What Should You Not Do in A College Application Essay?

The best college admission essay shouldn’t contain the following;

  • If you want to create some humor, don't go to extremes, and you don't know the audience well.
  • Avoid sounding controversial when giving your opinions on ideas you hold dear.
  • Avoid using words that aren't regular vocabulary.
  • Avoid repetition by providing information not present in other sections of the application.
  • Be specific about one aspect of your life, not writing so many ideas in one essay.
  • Please don't write anything fake; the reader will easily sense it.

How to Choose College Application Essay Topics?

Your chosen topic helps you write a unique and specific story about yourself. Some topics may sound easier than others, depending on your experiences. So, to choose a topic that favors you, check the guidelines in this college application essay writing help article.

What To Check for A good  Essay Topic?

 While choosing your essay topic, ensure it has the following features to help with college application essay;

  • It relates to your experience and life.
  • The topic is unique from the rest of the application
  • It's specific and will help write an original story
  • Allows you to share your positive personality and achievements

After checking on the qualities of a good topic, then you should brainstorm on various aspects of your life to choose the best topic. We can narrow down some college essay examples of topics in the following scenarios;

  1. Check on your background. Ask yourself some questions. Why are you different as a person? What can make you outstanding from the other applicants?
  2. Your challenges – what's the greatest challenge you went through, and how did you overcome it? Which are the lessons you learned from it? What is the experience that affected your character positively?
  3. Your achievements and goals – what accomplishments are you proud of? How did you demonstrate leadership in school or at home? What is your goal for the future?
  4. Academics and hobbies – what are your best subjects or topic? What is your favorite book or educational movie? What is unique about your academic life that isn't reflected in the transcripts?
  5. Character – how do your parents, teachers, or friends describe you? What is your motto in life? What would you like the college to know about you? You may describe yourself as a committed person, selfless, and give an experience relating to the character.
  6. Changing the world – What can you do to save the world if given a chance? Relate this with your abilities or talent and explain how you have done it before. For example, if writing in the post-Covid era, there are challenges you may have experienced, and they triggered something in you that can offer a solution.

Don't forget we are at your service when you need college admission essay help.

College Application Essay Prompts

 Some of the college essay examples you will find include:

  • Sharing a story. You may feel that your application may be incomplete without your interest or talent, so it's best to tell this story.
  • Lessons from challenges. Reflect on moments you experienced obstacles, how they affected you, how you handled the situation, and the lessons you learned.
  • Discuss an accomplishment or a significant milestone that shaped you. Describe the transformation and the personal growth.
  • Give a story on your favorite topic. You may choose one topic that you have already written or draft one.
  • Sharing on moments that you took an about-turn in your life. Describe what prompted the change and its outcome.

Can I Hire Someone to Write My College Essay?

Alternatively, can someone write my college application essay? Yes, you can seek professional essay writing services to help in writing your essay. It's legal to hire essay writing services from a company or a professional writer.

However, it would be best if you were keen to seek the best services for original essays. You should research the company you need to hire for college admission essay help.

Where Can I Get Help for My College Essay?

Are you in need of college essay writing services? Look no further. We offer the best quality college application essay writing service at an affordable fee. We will deliver error-free work within the stipulated guidelines.


College admission essay writing is a must-have skill for the easy college application process. It's not as complicated a procedure as it may sound if you follow the college application essay writing help guidelines. Of essence, ensure you choose a topic that relates to you and is easy to write about. Again, always adhere to the instructions and deadline and proofread your work.

Alternatively, you can seek college application essay writing help. Do you need college admission essay writing help? You don’t have to keep struggling; we are here to ease your tension. Order your college application essay today.


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College Application Essay Writing Help

College Application Essay Writing Help

Meet the author


Tracy has over 5 years of academic writing. Her topnotch research skills helps her write high quality content.

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